You're a beautiful disaster;
Saturday, August 8, 2009
6:45 AM

memories never fade.

hello camfugers!
HAHA. camfugers or what.
ok finally a update.
an update on our revision study routine.

we came with a study plan alr.
i am sure you all received the email right.

anyways, we will be studying in school library.
south wing.
and the time to meet will be 9.30am.
i hope you all dont complain because we dont have much time left.
and the latest we will leave is 7pm.
we will have our lunch breaks in between.

bring your own bottle of water cos we need to survive throughout all those study shit.
try to bring sweets also , so incase anyone falls asleep, the sweets might help.

and dont forget to bring your notes!
we cant afford to share notes aites.

so prepare everything before you all come.

lets do this together.
i am sure we can pass through this hurdle together.
its the last few weeks and then we can go enjoy aite
so be prepared!
see you guys in school ok!

you know i love you all!
take care babies!
all the best for exams sweethearts.

the timetable:

11/8- ABC & HBD

12/8- Cell Tech & MBT/maths
13-8- IM & Marketing
17/8- MBT/maths & CT
18/8- Marketing & IM
19/8- HBD & ABC
20/8- IM & Marketing
21/8- HBD & MBT/ maths

&the beauty.

It's all about us;

Aloha (: Welcome to the newly updated clique blog! Navigations are below (:Bold, italize and underline all you want to make your profile more stylish and interesting! (: Why not try some strikeouts?

You can even add a pretty piccy ;)

Hall of Fame;

Put what you love here!
Fitriah - The feminine traditional dancer (:
Buvaneswary - The jovial girl who never fails to brighten up one's day (:
Khaizurah - The outgoing and adventurous girl who is an adrenaline junkie! :D
Fatin - The girl who loves blue, shades and hues of them and donuts :D
Mardiana - The girl who is good at impersonations =p

I love fun and laughters :D


What's on your wish list this year? (:


ShoutMix chat widget

Maxiumum width 144px! :]

The other worlds;



July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
October 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.